The organizers of the research to practice conference are:
State Corporation "Rosatom";
Regional Association of employers Union of Industrialists and Saint-Petersburg’s entrepreneurs;
St. Petersburg Chamber Of Commerce And Industry;
Committee on industrial policy, innovation and trade of St. Petersburg;
Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University;
Moscow state technological University "Stankin";
"Baltiyskaya Promishlennaya Kompaniya" - BPK;
Machine-tool plant "Sasta" and Sasovo foundry;
During the conference participants discussed development trends and analysis of the situation in the Russian and international engineering; advanced manufacturing engineering technologies aimed at increasing productivity and economic efficiency; changes in state regulation of consumer market of engineering products; the results of the 5-year public-private partnership in the project "Machine-tool building", implemented jointly by "Rosatom" and "Baltiyskaya Promishlennaya Kompaniya".
During the event, the address of Georgy Poltavchenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "United shipbuilding Corporation" was read out. Georgy Sergeyevich noted the importance of the event for representatives of the Russian and St. Petersburg industry: “at the beginning of the XXI century, the issue of technological innovations in production processes, improvement of production equipment and products, is more acute than ever. Russian industry and, in particular, machine-tool and machine-building, are at the forefront of competition for new technologies. A huge role in these processes is played, including advanced scientific developments, improving the research base and the subsequent rapid introduction of these developments in the real sector of the economy, which will eventually increase productivity.”
Yuri Kalabin, Chairman of the Committee on industrial policy, innovation and trade of St. Petersburg, spoke about the national project to increase productivity: “This is certainly a cornerstone in ensuring the growth of the economy of the city and the country. For this we have all the possibilities” .... “and now we have finally come to the realization that it is necessary to restore and revive, first of all, not “iron”, but competence.”
Diana Kaledina, General Director of BPK , head of the Department "Design and technological innovations in mechanical engineering" of IMMIT SpbPU, stressed that “at the moment the company is working with several higher and secondary institutions to create a personnel reserve. Such as SpbPU, Stankin, and a branch of the Moscow Polytechnical University in Ryazan. Baltiyskaya Promishlennaya Kompaniya signs agreements for training of students with the subsequent attraction on work, finances dual training, carries out training on own production facilities. The plant is also actively involved in the commercialization of scientific and applied research as an industrial partner. Today, these are several major contracts with Polytechnical University".Viktor Harushkin, Deputy Director of the nuclear munitions industry Department of "Rosatom", said that “the development of the civil direction [of machine tools] for the state Corporation is essential from the position of social responsibility: developing new products, we create additional jobs, fund the tax budgets of the regions of presence.”
Gennady Komarov, General Director of FGUP "Priborostruoitelniy Zavod", Trekhgorny city, "Rosatom" state corporation, continued the theme of the importance of public-private partnership, summing up the results of 5 years of cooperation of the participants of the project “Machine tool building”: “In 5 years we managed to go from the assembly of machine kits to the development of complex technological units: tool magazines, turrets, ballscrews, significantly increasing the share of domestic products in the product. The civil direction was closely integrated into the strategy of Rosatom, allowed to load free production, engineering and scientific capacities of structural units, as well as to implement socially significant measures-to create jobs, increase labor costs. The “Machine tool building” project has allowed to combine the unique competencies of BPK and "Rosatom", creating a complimentary industry leader, able to organically implement the state strategy in the field of machine tools.”
Andrey Maksimov, Chairman of the Committee on science and higher education of St. Petersburg, highlighted the importance of dialogue between the industrial sector and education for the formation of training strategy: “the Need for constant contact is also due to the progressive development of technologies: new professions are coming to replace the dying. Requirements to the specifics of training are changing, the role of dual training is increasing.”
Elena Kataeva, rector of MSTU "Stankin", drew the attention of the audience to the fact that the core of production activity should be “the transition to digital intelligent production technologies, robotic systems, new materials and methods of design, the creation of systems for processing large amounts of data, machine learning and artificial intelligence systems. This direction corresponds to the biggest, at the moment, the challenge of Russia-the exhaustion of the possibility of economic growth based on extensive exploitation of raw materials against the background of the formation of the digital economy.”
Dr. Paul Chang, founder and President of Buffalo Machinery (Taiwan), Chairman of the renewable energy Committee of the Republic of Taiwan, Professor of the State Electrotechnical University of Taiwan, highlighted the importance of “moving towards smart manufacturing and automation to ensure successful development based on the key principles of Industry 4.0.”. Speaking about the Russian machines under the trademark F. O. R. T. (Force Opportunities Russian Technologies - Force Opportunities Russian Technologies), Dr. Chang noted that “Under the brand F. O. R. T. has already been released several models of machines, and at the moment work is underway to introduce into production 5-axis equipment of the new generation, corresponding to the principles of the concept of smart production. And one of the strategic objectives of the F. O. R. T. brand is to export products to the world market, to China and other countries.”
Within the frame of the Day of machine-building innovations, the start of 5-axis metal-cutting machines production was announced jointly by Buffalo Machinery and BPK at "Sasta's" production facilities.
Leonid Weisberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors and scientific Director of the Companies, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, academician of RAS, JSC NPK Mekhanobr - Tekhnika told about modern scientific developments and their implementation in the real sector of the economy.
The theme was continued by Ivan Goncharov, researcher of the laboratory Functional materials of SpbPU, presenting to the guests the research and innovative developments conducted by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in the direction of additive manufacturing.
Maxim Makarov, sales Director of the "Sasta" machine-tool plant, formulated the main forms of transformation of Russian machine-tool enterprises through modernization, creation of new productions or joint ventures. Presented to the business community new models of machines with elements of innovation, as well as spoke about the unique products-heavy lathes and pipe-cutting machines, which are popular not only in Russia but also around the world, which proves the successful experience of export deliveries of SASTA.
Elena Zheltukhina, Vice-President of St. Petersburg chamber of Commerce and Industry, shared the practice of implementing government Resolution 719 of 17.07.2015 in mechanical engineering.
Within the frame of the Day of machine-building innovations, the guests got acquainted with the achievements and developments in the field of Metalworking and automation in the territory of the scientific and production complex BPK-North:
Russian production metalworking machines with application of the automated systems, production by FGUP FNPC "PO "Start" state Corporation "Rosatom", FGUP "PSZ" state Corporation "Rosatom", JSC "Sasta", F.O.R.T - "Baltiyskaya Promishlennaya Kompaniya";
Foreign production metalworking machines;
Hybrid additive system;
Electric arc wire growing robotic system
(WAAM - Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing);
Design bureau;