Within the framework of acquaintance with the company, the modern design office (within the framework of cooperation with SPbPU), the training center, new models of metal-working equipment designed and produced in Russia, a unique additive installation, pilot and assembly sites, and an automation site demonstrated to Alexander Drozdenko.
One of the main topics of the meeting was the development of a competitive environment. "The development of competition is a priority task facing the region's economy. To create a competitive environment, the open market called in "May decree" of President Vladimir Putin. And we, of course, start with ourselves. I instruct the government to limit the conclusion of state contracts with a single supplier in the near future. And by 2020, completely prohibit purchases from one counterparty, "said Alexander Drozdenko.
According to the National Plan for the Development of Competition in the Russian Federation for 2018-2020, at least three organizations should appear in all spheres and sectors of the country, one of which must be private. Private structures should be provided with unhindered access to public procurement.
In the Leningrad region, there is a program to develop a competitive environment. Thanks to the open economic policy pursued by the region, it was possible to achieve a 30% share of small and medium-sized businesses in the structure of the gross regional product.
"BPK" under the leadership of Kaledina Diana is one of the successful examples of a private manufacturer. The organization occupies more than 8% of the market for metal-cutting machine tools in the Russian Federation. The group includes enterprises of the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg, the Ryazan Region (Machine Tool Plant "Sasta" and Sasovo Foundry). The following activities are being implemented: mass production of machine tools, creation of new machine models and production of pilot batches, engineering, service maintenance, scientific development.